Worry warts

Worry warts
Photo by Siim Lukka / Unsplash

Any worry warts out there?

Seriously though, it can be hard not to worry these days, especially with the ever rising cost of living and the constant bad news on our TV screens. Finding inner peace can seem almost like a pious hope!

Even Jesus knew the effect of worry on us , so much so that in the “worry chapter" of Matt 6 he said,

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own".

But how do we stop worrying and find that elusive Inner peace?
Biblical definition of inner peace is a state of calmness and tranquillity of mind that wells up within, when we learn to trust in the Lord and grounding our faith firmly in Him, particularly when we’re faced with life's storms!

Paul offers us valuable insight and direction regarding worry in Philippians 4:6-7 as to how we can grow and nurture ‘inner peace’.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

In these verses Paul stresses the importance of bringing our anxieties to God in prayer and leaving them there with Him. By doing this rather than allowing our worries to consume us, we find inner peace as we bring our concerns to the Lord. This simple act of surrender is truly transformative; as it shifts our focus away from our problems and we turn our thoughts instead to the Almighty.

The promise of "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding" assures us that this peace is a divine gift. It provides a sense of calm that guards our hearts and minds, protecting us from the turmoil that would if allowed, fill our minds with anxiety and worry!

To realise this inner peace, all we need do is engage in regular prayer, offering our gratitude as we acknowledge both the struggles and the blessings that come our way in life. By nurturing our relationship with God through these practices, we open ourselves to the peace that only He can provide, enabling us to deal with life's uncertainties with grace and composure.

In addition all of us are called to love our neighbours as ourselves, so if we know of someone who is struggling, we are to help and support them in their hour of need, God only knows, it could be us in need tomorrow!. So pray together, share together and be agents of change through the Lord together.

Inner peace, as highlighted by Paul in Philippians 4:6-7, is readily and freely available to anyone willing to surrender their worries to God and embrace a life of prayer and gratitude to Him.

Have a great week, and God bless,
