"The bird table" a modern-day parable

"The bird table"                                    a modern-day parable
Photo by Lidia Stawinska on Unsplash

I have a bird table and bird bath in my garden that I keep filled up with food and water for the birds of the air. But to be perfectly honest with you, some of the birds that come, Starlings, Pigeons, Crows, Magpies etc, are birds that I don’t particularly like or want at my table.

So, to deter these types, I use feeders that favour the birds that I do like, birds such as Blue Tits, Finches, Sparrows, Robins, Blackbirds, Thrush, etc.
But as I watch these birds, I've noticed that the smaller birds throw seeds down to the birds that can't feed from the table and feeders.

On seeing this I realised that the birds that I like, take care of the need of the others that I don't like. They take it upon themselves to help each other.
On seeing this I realised, that I was discriminating and being judgemental.

All are in need, all are hungry and all are thirsty, and most importantly, all are part of God’s creation. The ugly birds, just like all of us need to be fed, and shouldn't be looked at as something lesser.

So now I now put food out for all the birds that come to my table, regardless of their appearance.

By feeding all I now find that every day my bird table is packed to overflowing and I can’t put enough food out.

Where is the parable in this? Well if we connect the following, then we see it.

     The bird table is Christs Church,

     The Seed is the word of God that is freely offered to all

     The nice birds, well, I guess they're us

     The ugly birds, they're the people we don't yet know; strangers,         immigrants, the lost, and those searching for God.

We are all sinners and in need of God's grace. The act of redemption is God’s alone. All any of us bring to the cross is the sin from which we need forgiveness from. As disciples of Christ,  we need to shine with the light of His love, His mercy, and His compassion, as we offer the good news of the Gospel to all. It is not our part to discriminate or to judge. God alone sees the heart and it is the Holy Spirit that calls people and works to soften their hearts.  

Why does God do this? we find our answer in John 3:1

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Have a wonderful and blessed day,

God bless,
