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The blessing that's found in unity.

Psalm 133 is a short but powerful song that celebrates the goodness of unity among brethren. David likens unity with the anointing oil that flowed off Aaron's head onto his beard in such quantity that it's described as the dew on the slopes of Mounts Hermon and Moriah (Zion), David tells us that with unity, God gives us a divine blessing to sustain us through all our days, even to eternal life itself.This psalm reminds us of the beauty and value that is found in the unity of communion under God, and the blessings that naturally follow. As you know, the ultimate blessing that God gave us was His Son Jesus the Messiah, who laid down his life for us on the cross on Zion's hill (Jerusalem). After three days he rose from the dead, defeating death and destruction once and for all. To receive God's blessing of salvation all we need do is place our trust in Jesus and eternal life is ours. just as David prophesied.

Psalm 133

Behold how good and pleasant it is to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down upon the beard, Even on Aaron’s beard, running down upon the collar of his clothing. It is like the dew of Hermon running down upon the hills of Zion. For there the Lord has promised his blessing: even life for evermore.

Have a great week, and God bless,
