Two roads

Two roads
Photo by Carlita Benazito on Unsplash

Matthew 7:13‭-‬14 NIV

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

When I'm out on my mountain bike around bike trails in my local forest Park, I often think of these verses, simply because they match the description of the wide and narrow roads. Mountain bike trails are narrow, but they lead off from the wider firebreak roads that run through the forest. But in these two verses, Jesus is teaching us about the way to heaven, the narrow road: and, about the way to hell, the broad road!

The broad road is the easy way and the road that most people choose as Satan whispers in their ears, “come on, everybody does it, you've got plenty of time left to think about God, forget about that for now, come on, have some fun". In life, if we walk the Broad Road, we keep our worldly baggage of sin, adding to it as we willingly continue to live sinful lives. And ultimately this road leads to our destruction.

Then there's the narrow road, the road that the minority takes. Jesus teaches us that this road leads to life, yet very few of us take this narrow road. There’re not many people on it, so it can be a lonely and difficult road, it's certainly not easy! But if we are to enter the narrow road, we must give up our worldly sinful ways and by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour we receive the gift of eternal life. It’s a gift, and it doesn't cost us anything. Many people think that they can walk both roads, but we can't travel on two roads that go in opposite directions at the same time, that's just not possible.

Remember, the wide road is easy, and it leads to destruction. The narrow road leads to life and life eternal. Jesus never said the narrow road would be easy, far from it, it doesn't exempt us from any of the pain and suffering that exist in this world. But he promises us that He will be with us every step of the way, no matter what life has in store for us, He is with us. When I'm out on my bike these mountain bike trails that are narrow and difficult remind me of the narrow road to heaven. Mountain biking is exhilarating as you feel so alive racing between the trees, jumping over drop-offs, your heart pounding like a jackhammer, full of life, joy, and happiness as you play in God's creation. Just as the narrow road to heaven fills us with life, joy, and happiness. Plus, we don't travel alone! Thankfully, the Holy Spirit travels with us, He comforts and strengthens us, enabling us to face all of life's challenges, and ultimately, He brings us into eternal life in the presence of the Father.

My hope and prayers today are that if you are on the broad road you stop to pause and think about where this road is taking you, then maybe you'll turn around and take the narrow road that leads to life in abundance and life eternal.

You've nothing to lose but your sin and life to the fullest to gain.

Hope you have a great day, and God bless,
