The Gates of Hell

The Gates of Hell
Photo by Stacey Franco on Unsplash (of the gates of hell)

It’s been a while since I wrote anything, I’ve been really busy lately and in truth, today I’m just paraphrasing and sharing an insight from Michael S Heiser’s book, “The Unseen Realm” (a good read and highly recommended, go get a copy. A wee plug so I’m not sued for plagiarism)

The Gates of Hell
Caesarea Phillipi was located in the northern part of Bashan,( remember the Strong bulls of Bashan mentioned in Psalm 22:12) The word means “the place of the serpent”.
Eusebius wrote of it, saying” until today the mount in front of Panias (named after the god Pan) and Lebanon is know as Hermon and is respected by the nations as a sanctuary”
Back then the site was famous as a centre of the worship of Pan and for a temple to the high god Zeus whom Augustus Caesar was believed to be the living embodiment. Back then the emperor was believed to be a living god.

Now here’s the thing, the place where Jesus said
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” Matthew 16:18 NIV was at the foot of Mt Hermon!

Christians believe that the church is built on Peter’s leadership (the name Peter means stone in case you don't know). But it’s worth noting there it’s highly likely that there is a little bit of word play going on here!

The rock refers to the mountain location where Jesus makes this statement. When we consider that in verse 16 Peter declares,
“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Matthew 16:16 NIV‬
And Jesus words “and on this rock” (this mountain, Mount Herman) I will build my church. And the gates of Hades will not overcome it”
When viewed from this perspective there is a deeper theological message to be found.
The gates of Hades (or Hell) are not offensive weapons, they keep people in, and so in this we see that the Kingdom of God is the aggressor and Jesus is beginning at ground zero! It's the gates of hell that are under assault and they “will not overcome it” the Church that is.

Our job, we'll that's to point people to the Kingdom of Heaven and stop them going to hell!

Have a great day, and God Bless,

PS Stay on the narrow road and don't go near them gates!