Office of Prophet

Office of Prophet
Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky / Unsplash

1 Corinthians 12:8-11

To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

Recently I was listening to a Christian radio station in the car as I drove home from Belfast. The show introduced a lady who claimed to be a modern-day “Prophet”, wait a minute did she just say she was a prophet? Yeah, I’d heard right! Turning the volume up I listened with interest to what she had to say. She told about growing up, family life, church life, and then going to university where she first encountered the Holy Spirit. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. She went on to tell about speaking in tongues, experiencing the 'Toronto' blessing where she was so filled with joy that she laughed for hours! At this point, I started to think, ah, the Toronto blessing! that’s those people who bark and make animal noises, a spiritual blessing but perhaps one given by the wrong type of spirit (I believe!)

The lady continued to tell how she felt she had been blessed with the gift of prophecy, and how she’d developed her gift to the point where she now went by the title “The Prophet @8#$%” (Name deliberately left out). Now I found this a bit hard to accept, simply because in my book if the Holy Spirit blesses you with a gift, you have it in full, not in part!

Prophet’ now that’s one big claim to make if ever there was one, but it got me thinking because Paul does speak about the gift of prophecy! so where indeed are today's prophets, maybe she is one?

Sure, we often hear people say things like “I was thinking of you earlier and the Lord gave me a word for you”, after which they quote a Bible verse. Now in my book that’s perfectly ok as the whole Bible is God’s word, inspired by the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of men who wrote it down for the rest of us to read. But that’s not prophecy, it’s a message of knowledge or encouragement. A prophet is someone who speaks God’s word, like Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist or St John!

Let’s be perfectly clear about this, stating that you are a prophet is to claim that when you speak, the words that you utter are nothing less than the very words of God himself!

Wow, now that’s some speak right there in itself!

This claim alone should put us on ‘the back foot’ making us sceptical, and as we’re instructed, put any such prophecies to the test. By this, we can rule out and dismiss false prophets and false prophecy! Jesus warned us about these in Mark 13:6 “Many will come in my name, claiming ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many”

Which spirit, Holy or evil?

The fact is that even in the early days of Christianity there were no spirit-inspired utterances that are self-authenticating! Everything must be put to the test as there are other spiritual forces at work, which could be the inspiration behind a prophetic word. And so no prophetic word can command acceptance in its own right, meaning all prophecy had to be tested and scrutinised, for example, 1 Sam 16:14-15 tells of the evil spirit that torments Saul!

Which prophet, False or true?

In addition in 1 Kings 13 we read of two prophets, one true and one false, with the false prophet deceiving the true prophet! (Read the chapter for yourself)

So my advice is simply to test all things, if anyone tells you they are a prophet, subject their spirit-inspired utterances to scrutiny and test by seeking the Lord’s guidance through earnest prayer and also seek the advice of elders so that you are not led astray. Many before us have!

Have a great week and God bless,
