Made new,

Made new,
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!

When we become Christian, and by that, I mean when we place our trust in Jesus as Lord and saviour, our old life is gone. And the reason, as Paul explains, is because our very being is changed at every level of our existence; for we have become a “new creation”, and therefore have a new reason for living.

As believers, the new life that we’ve embarked on, is the life that our creator planned for us before we were even born, or as the Psalmist wrote, “when you knit me together in my mothers womb”. In this, we find the freedom, love, assurance, contentment, joy, peace and fulfilment that our creator God, had always intended us to have.

From the moment that we believe, Christ lives in us, and we in him. And in this, we soon discover that we have no other life but his to live. We find that our old self got nailed to the cross along with Jesus, it died along with our sins, as he died for us. In that moment we became new creatures, washed clean by his blood, reborn and made new.

Everything we do from this point on is no longer for us. Our lives are now for the honour and glory of Jesus. As we walk his path, we are clothed in his righteousness, and we take on his character as we share the good news about him to all we encounter.

May you walk His path today as a new creation.
God bless,