
Photo by Arjun Sharma on Unsplash

Losing someone we love, no matter when can shatter us. Even for those of us with faith, who believe that death is not the end, but the beginning, suffer in the pain of parting, with feelings of loss, and every other aspect of the grieving process.

Sometimes after a long and well lived life, or even after a protracted period of suffering, death can come almost like a merciful relief that makes loss easier to bear. But at other times, following tragic accidents or the diagnosis of a terminal illness, especially when a child or young person is involved, life shattering grief and despair turns our worlds upside down as it completely overwhelms us. All of us, have experience of this, some moreso than others.

Back in 1932, the American gospel singer Thomas Dorsey, was about to sing at a gospel rally, when he received a telegram telling him that his wife ‘Nettie’ had died while giving birth to their first child.
Heartbroken, he immediately left for the hospital. Upon arrival he was told that his child had survived, but tragically within 24 hours his new born son also died.
A few days after this both mother and child were buried in the same coffin.
Dorsey, almost lost his mind through the immense weight of grief and despair that he had to endure.  But through his faith, and the help of friends he eventually found the strength to sit down at his piano, where he wrote the words of his most famous song, “Take my hand precious lord”, which was sung by the likes of Jim Reeves and Elvis. Here are a few lines;

Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, help me stand,
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn,
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light;
Take my hand, precious Lord,
Lead me home.

It’s said that the night is always darkest before the dawn, and thankfully night must give way to the light of day.
Our feelings of loss and our precious memories of our loved ones never leave us. But through the Holy Spirit comes comfort, and imperceptibly over the days and months ahead, we learn to live again and our loss becomes a bearable part of us.

In times of grief, we all find comfort in the words of Psalm 23:4
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me"

All of us will have dark days to endure in this life, but we are assured that when they come, our Lord is by our side, walking with us, comforting us, and holding us fast. So that when we’re strong enough, we can lift our heads once more, to join in praise of our Father God.

God Bless,

Ps: Father of Light by Celtic Worship is a comfort.