Learning wisdom

Learning wisdom
Photo by Adnan Sami / Unsplash

When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden. For three years you are to consider it forbidden; it must not be eaten. In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, an offering of praise to the Lord.

But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit. In this way your harvest will be increased. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19:23-25

A muse....

There once was a wise old man named Ethan who lived in a village beside the sea at the foot of the mountains and a large forest, Ethan was known far and wide for his wisdom, and people from near and far would often come to seek his advice.

One day, a young man named Thomas came to see Ethan. Thomas was ambitious and smart, but he often made impulsive decisions that got him into trouble. Eager to find a quick path to success, he asked Ethan, "Ethan, how do I gain true wisdom?"

Ethan smiled and said, "Thomas, I have a task for you. Take this seed and plant it in your garden. Care for it as it grows, and when it bears fruit do not eat it for three harvests. Then in the next harvest bring me the first fruits. Only then will you understand the secret of wisdom."

Thomas, eager to prove himself, took the seed and planted it in his garden. Each day, he tended to the young sapling, watering it and protecting it from pests and harsh weather. As time passed, the tree grew tall and strong, and Thomas learned the rhythms of nature and the patience required to nurture life.

Several years went by, and the tree finally bore fruit. Thomas counted the harvests and when the fourth harvest came he picked the first fruits and hurried back to the village to give it to Ethan. As he handed over the fruit, Thomas asked, "Have I now gained wisdom?"

Ethan took the fruit, looked at it, and then at Thomas. "Tell me, Thomas, what have you learned while caring for this tree?"

Thomas thought for a moment and replied, "I have learned the value of patience and persistence. I have learned to observe the world around me and to understand the needs of the tree. I have learned to control my desire and remain true. I have learned that true growth takes time and that every action I take has a consequence."

Ethan nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "That, Thomas, is the essence of wisdom. Wisdom is not a secret to be given but a journey to be experienced. It comes from patience, observation, and the understanding that all things are connected. You have discovered wisdom through my direction and your efforts and experiences."

Thomas realised then that the journey of growing the tree had taught him more than any quick advice ever could. Thanking Ethan he returned to his village, now truly wise and ready to face life's challenges from a deeper perspective.

And so, Thomas prospered as did his village as the seeds of wisdom and knowledge were shared and planted in others.

Have a super week, and God bless,
